Presidential Proclamation Adjusts Travel Ban
September 25, 2017
On Sunday, September 24, 2017, President Trump issued a Proclamation which renews the travel ban from five out of the six countries listed in the March travel ban, and adds 3 countries to the list, based on the Secretary of Homeland Security assessment of visa screening processes, identify management protocols, information sharing and other factors.
Citizens of the affected countries will face varying degrees of restrictions. The restrictions will begin on October 18, and should not affect individuals who already possess a U.S. visa stamp or permanent residence, per the Proclamation. Until October 18, the previous ban for nationals of Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia is still in effect except for those with a bona fide “close family” or U.S. entity relationship.
Following is a breakdown of the countries and restrictions.
Total Ban: Syria, Somalia and North Korea (just added)
No nonimmigrant visas except student visas and no immigrant or diversity visas: Iran
No B-1 or B-2 visitor visas and no immigrant and diversity visas: Chad (just added), Libya, and Yemen
No B-1 or B-2 visitor visas for government officials and their immediate family members: Venezuela
Sudan has been removed from the list of restricted countries.
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Please contact Weaver Schlenger LLP if you have any questions.